Did you know that Italy is home to at least 437 indigenous grape varietals, and there are likely thousands of varietals in cultivation. I'm confident that somewhere in Italy there's someone passionately creating a wine from each and everyone of them and I want to try them all. I'm fortunate to have family and friends in Italy to help me in my quest and I want to help you try them too. I've begun importing some of my favorites and will certainly be adding more in the future. Most of these wines are in very limited production, though many of them are available through Tinto Wine and Cheese in Virginia. They may also be available in Maine through DiMillo Imports and in New Hampshire through Uncorked Distributers. I'm always looking for additional distribution, so check back often.
ETO: Embrace The Obvious, Explore The Obscure
ETO: Embrace The Obvious, Explore The Obscure